AirFit™ F40 是一款極少接觸的全面罩,可輕柔地戴在您的鼻子下方,讓您在任何姿勢下都能舒適地睡眠,並在夜間能自由活動。
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請聯繫您的 CPAP 設備供應商(您購買 CPAP 面罩和設備的商店)以獲得持續的臨床支援。他們可以解決問題,協助解決面罩舒適度或佩戴問題,並討論可能更適合您個人舒適度需求的替代選項。適應面罩可能具有挑戰性,建議尋求指導。不確定您的CPAP設備供應商是誰嗎?我們可以提供幫助,填寫聯繫我們[]中的表格或使用聊天機器人詢問。
1. 水槽或浴缸
2. 溫熱的飲用水 (30°C / 86°F)
3. 溫和的液體洗滌劑
4. 毛巾
1. 將CPAP機器從電源上拔下,然後從機器上拔下面罩/管路。
2. 拆卸面罩:
- 解開上部頭帶上的固定片,然後從框架中拉出。
- 按壓彎處的側按鈕,然後從通風環上拆下。
- 將軟墊上的螺柱從框架上的孔中拔出,然後在另一邊重複相同步驟。
- 從軟墊上拉出通風環。
3. 用溫和的液體清潔劑將配件浸泡在溫水中。確保浸泡時沒有氣泡。
4. 在水中搖晃配件,然後用軟毛刷手洗。特別注意通風環上的通風孔。
5. 在流水下徹底沖洗配件。
6. 將織物部件擠壓以去除多餘的水分。
7. 將配件放在毛巾上,避免陽光直射,風乾。
大多數CPAP面罩都有矽膠軟墊,因為它是一種低過敏性材料,柔軟、輕便,可以在您睡覺時在您的臉上形成穩定、舒適的密封。重要的是,你要決定什麼對你和你的治療最舒適,當涉及到你的面罩軟墊時。如果您感到皮膚刺激或使用當前的面罩感到不舒服,請聯繫您的 ResMed 授權經銷商。
Source: Two ResMed external clinical studies of experienced PAP patients. The first study included users with ≥ 6 months’ therapy who used ResMed’s AirFit F40 and AirFit F20 full face masks in randomized order for up to seven consecutive nights each at home. Study conducted in Australia, June 6 – 27, 2023, n=28 (AirFit F40) and 29 (AirFit F20). Facial measurements of 29 participants were taken. The second study included current users with ≥ 12 months’ PAP therapy who met 90-day CMS compliance for PAP therapy in the three months prior to the study. Participants used ResMed’s AirFit F40 and Fisher & Paykel’s Evora Full in a randomized order with their own for up to seven consecutive nights each at home. Study conducted in the U.S., October 4 – November 20, 2023, n=57. Facial measurements of 57 participants were taken.
Source: Internal ResMed comparison of the ResMed AirFit F20, AirTouch F20, AirFit F30 and AirFit F40. Measurements are based on cushion mask on face, front view and side view.
Source: Testimonial from two ResMed external clinical studies of experienced PAP patients. The first study included users with ≥ 6 months’ therapy who used ResMed’s AirFit F40 and AirFit F20 full face masks in randomized order for up to seven consecutive nights each at home. Study conducted in Australia, June 6 – 27, 2023, n=28 (AirFit F40) and 29 (AirFit F20). Facial measurements of 29 participants were taken. The second study included current users with ≥ 12 months’ PAP therapy who met 90-day CMS compliance for PAP therapy in the three months prior to the study. Participants used ResMed’s AirFit F40 and Fisher & Paykel’s Evora Full in a randomized order with their own for up to seven consecutive nights each at home. Study conducted in the U.S., October 4 – November 20, 2023, n=57. Facial measurements of 57 participants were taken.